We are out of town Feb 19-Apr 15: Last day to order is Feb 16, or wait until we get back!


Restock! Hand sanitizer, cuticle balms & body creams :)

Lynae Zebest

Hello friends!

We've restocked our hand sanitizersbody cream lotions, and cuticle balms in all 26 of our current scents, so you can get your first choice again :) 

An important note!
  • Contact us directly if you need hand sanitizer & are a first responder, grocery clerk, or other person with higher risk of exposure to the novel coronavirus. We're currently offering hugely discounted prices - or donations - to those in most need.
Scent Availability: We've decided to extend the Big Damn Heroes scent series a bit longer - we'll update you again with a last call on those.

Body Butters Order Deadline: We'll be taking a break from shipping body butters from May 1-Oct 15, due to higher summer temperatures in transit - they melt! What we have in stock is all we will be producing until the fall - so snag them before it's too late ;)

Coming Soon: Since we have so much more time at home now, we're working on fast-tracking a few new products we've had waiting in the wings...
  • Big Lebowski series: We'll have these out in the next week or so, to celebrate 4:20 on 4/20/2020 :) This will include a few nail colors & a fresh cannabis bud scent in our full bath/body product line!
  • Wax Tarts! in little gem shapes
  • Summer Butter! (A rich whipped creamy lotion that stays stable even in the hot weather)
  • Cubist Bath Bombs
  • Mud Masks
So keep your eyes peeled for future updates! I often post little in-progress previews and stuff to our Instagram and Facebook, too, if that's your jam :)

We're so thrilled to be able to keep sending fun things out to you in this otherwise intensely challenging times. Please remember to take space to care for yourself and take regular mental breaks. 

Thank you so much, now more than ever, for supporting us! Our business is our sole source of income, so just like you, our budget and priorities have shifted a lot in the past few weeks. We know where you're at. It means so much to us that people are still allocating their resources to supporting small, indie enterprises like ours :)

Hugs and wishes for good health,

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