Hi friends! This Friday-Monday, August 21st-24th, we’re having an overstock & clearance sale.
A wide variety of items throughout the shop will be 25-50% off, including 30 different polishes, all scented hand sanitizers, and select scents in most of our bath & body items. All current clearance items will have additional markdowns. There will be LIMITED sale-price quantities for almost everything, so shop early!
The discounts are given at checkout - our apologies that they aren't showing on individual item pages. This is something we're troubleshooting behind the scenes! If you add an item to your cart and it doesn't show as discounted, it means the overstock-priced quantity has already sold out!
No code needed, no other discounts accepted during the sale. (If you just joined our mailing list and want your free nail treatment set with your order, please mention it in your order notes!)
We made a lot of items in bulk early this year in anticipation of comic con vending, before COVID-19 hit and all our shows for the years were canceled. We always have items that sell like hotcakes at shows but not so much online - some things just look better in person! - and that means you can now SCORE some of our con bestsellers at a bargain!
Also, we are taking advantage of this sale to discontinue our Harry Potter themed items. As much as we've enjoyed the books, and as much as we adore the HP fans among our customers, we do not condone JK Rowling's current pattern of hate speech and hateful behavior, and as a result we just don't feel comfortable promoting her writing in any way at this time. So, HP fans - you can pick up these colors at a great price, while they're still in stock!
Our new releases are still in the works - the massive heatwave in San Francisco recently made formulating pretty impossible for a bit. (We have no central air conditioning, so temperature-sensitive products & ingredients got shoved in the fridge, and we huddled around our portable AC unit all day.) But, I'm posting some hints and previews on our Instagram in the meantime!
Thank you all so much for your ongoing support and interest. We love making and sharing our creations with you, and hope you're all finding joy in opening our parcels, jars and bottles even on days when the world seems bleak!
Socially-distant hugs and thanks,
Lynae & Orin